Have you tried seemingly everything, but nothing worked?
Heuristic hypnosis is a unique therapeutic approach combining hypnosis, NLP and more.
From anxiety to chronic pain, heuristic hypnosis is a practical and safe solution to your problems.
Through guided hypnosis, guided meditation and other techniques, you’ll discover what works best for you, so you can finally achieve your desired change.

Hypnotherapy can help with the following issues:
● Addictions & Habits
Food, alcohol, cigarettes–our bad habits and addictions can seem impossible to change. No matter how many times you try to quit, you find yourself right back where you started.
With the help of heuristic hypnosis you can change your relationship to these things and detach from the old version of yourself. You’ll break your existing neural pathways that guide those habits and create new, healthy behaviors.
● Fears & Phobias
Sweaty palms. Racing heart. Shaking voice and difficulty speaking. The more you try to get yourself to relax, the worse it becomes.
Social anxiety and panic attacks
Trauma and PTSD
Fear of public speaking
Fear of driving or flying
Fear of heights or darkness
Fear of snakes or spiders
Heuristic hypnosis can help you regain control and develop different practices to reduce the emotional charge and alter your subconscious response to fearful situations. I’ll show you how to find a source of power and peace within your mind.
● Self-Discovery & Growth
When you feel stuck in life or need to get out of a rut but don’t know how, you can feel powerless. Having a guide can be helpful to break old patterns and get out of your own way.
Interpersonal issues
Making decisions
Developing better relationships
Taking responsibility
Changing careers
Low self-esteem
Heuristic hypnosis can help you accept yourself without judgement, gain clarity and live a more fulfilling life. In sessions with me, you’ll learn a variety of self-empowering exercises and discover the hidden potential of your mind.

● Physical Issues & Pain Management
Living with chronic pain and physical issues that seem unsolvable, year after year, can make you feel hopeless and restrict you in many areas of your life. But pain is constructed in your brain, and you can regulate it.
Once you have sought proper medical attention, heuristic hypnosis can help you manage persistent pain and alleviate symptoms of physical illnesses. I’ve helped many of my clients experience relief from issues they’ve been suffering from for years and finally be at peace with their bodies.
● Chronic Stress
Contrary to common belief, not all stress is bad. In fact, short-term stress can motivate you to go after the things you want. But chronic stress can lead to serious mental and physical issues.
Emotional distress
Through guided hypnosis and self-hypnosis, you’ll learn to reprogram your own mind, let go of problems that are troubling you and manage stress better.