What is Hypnosis & Meditation?
Homeostasis is our body’s capacity to regulate the processes beneficial to its health. It is conscious in our needs for food, water, salt, sleep, and other vital things.
Mind homeostasis is something similar. Therefore, it should be conscious in some needs we have, for instance, to distance ourselves from our thoughts. But in practice, our thinking mind, always busy rehashing the past, planning the future, or probing the present, is unaware of our needs. If left unchecked, it overloads our consciousness and becomes the root of our anxiety, inability to break from our habits or overcome our trauma or find meaning in life.
But this potentially debilitating kind of thinking is only what the left cerebral hemisphere does when it is out of balance with the right one, as shown by Iain McGilchrist.
Hypno-meditation allows us to reclaim the capacity of our right hemisphere to distance ourselves from our thoughts, gain height, see the broader picture and reach a state of mind homeostasis. Hypno-meditation is an experiential means to realize that we are much more than our thinking mind and its thoughts. This discovery can be life changing.

How Does Change Happen?
To get closer to our true self, we first need to change our state of mind.
In meditative absorption, we tap into the capacity of our right hemisphere to create a new, more helpful mindset.
The change that takes place happens beyond our ordinary thinking mind, or left hemisphere. Although it might seem like magic the first time, we have to remind ourselves to go back to this state of meditative absorption if a decisive change is to happen.
What Happens During Sessions?
First, I will listen to what you want to shift about yourself. 
Based on our conversation, I will develop a personalized plan of therapy, aimed to deliver results in the shortest possible amount of time.
We experiment with different techniques leading to meditative absorption: vagus nerve exercises, breathing exercises, NLP visualizations, and EMDR.
And in the process, things that seemed unattainable become possible.

Unlocking The Power Of The Right Hemisphere
Because we live in a narrowly focused, rule-based society, crowded with screens, most people have left hemispheric dominance.
But recent advances in neuroscience suggest that the key to changing our behaviors lies within the right part of our brain.
Hypno-meditation allows us to restore the balance by reclaiming the power of our right cerebral hemisphere, the rightful master of our inner life, and putting the left one in its “right” place, that of the emissary or interpreter.
(As shown in Iain McGilchrist’s books, The Master and His Emissary, and The Matter with Things, the fruit of 30 years of research into the asymmetry of the brain.)